
If you are interested in joining any of our programs, we hope that you find useful information on this website.

Most of our programs run the entire season and include pre-season dry land conditioning. Tuition prices are listed under each program, and do not include ski equipment or lift pass.

The team relies heavily on parent volunteers! There are many opportunities for volunteers both on and off the snow. We appreciate your help and can’t do what we do without supportive parents! We ask that parents fulfill 15 volunteer hours or pay a $300 fee. Hours are easy to fulfill. Find more information under volunteers on the events tab.

The most frequently asked question is “am I good enough?” In most cases, the answer is yes. We invite any interested skiers to come give our program a try before you decide. Feel free to join us on the hill any weekend early in the season. Please email Vanessa so we know to expect you.

If you are interested, shoot the program director an email, silverrunski@gmail.com and she will keep you up to date with information as it comes available. You can also call Vanessa at 406-208-1875 with any concerns or questions. Please attend one of the meetings listed below to have questions answered.

Fall 2024 kick off meetings:

In Red Lodge on Saturday Sept. 21 at Lion’s Park gazebo

  1. Youth Freeride at 1:00
  2. Youth race at 3:00
  3. Masters (adult race) at 4:00 at 715 N Hauser on Sept. 28
  4. Cross country to be held at a later date in November

In Billings on Sunday Oct. 6 at Selby’s house 4511 Robbie Ln.

  1. Both race and freeride at 2:00

Silver Run is dedicated to offering a quality, team based skiing experience that will develop athletes with a love for skiing and teach some life lessons along the way. We hope your family can join us!